Carduri ID

United Colors Team

ID Cards

· We have the necessary technology to make loyalty / loyalty cards, identification / control, data storage / applications, membership cards, other than banking.
· Format ID - 1 (85.6x53.98mm)
· Materials: polycarbonate, cardboard, paper, PVC, other support;
· Realization: offset printing, digital, polychrome front / back;
· Customization: monochrome or color by digital or offset printing
·Dispunem de tehnologia necesara pentru a realiza carduri de fidelizare/loializare, identificare/control, stocare de date/aplicatii, carduri de membru, altele decat bancare.
· Format ID - 1 (85,6x53,98mm)
·Materiale: policarbonat, carton, hartie, PVC, alt suport;
·Realizare: tipar offset, digital, policromie fata/verso;
·Personalizare: monocrom sau color prin tipar digital sau offset